Funny Shopping Pick Up Lines

WIth these pick up lines, no trip to the store will be boring ever again!

Funny Shopping Pick Up Lines

Without you, my life is as empty as the supermarket shelf.
All this lidocaine and I still have feelings for you.
Are you the Godiva store? Because you seem sweet and way too fancy for me.
I’ve always wanted to be a farmer’s wife.
Do you know which aisle the edible underwear is in? Oh, wait, wrong store!
Have you ever seen a guy eat an entire can of pinto beans in under 10 seconds? Would you like to?
I heard they just opened up a new Lego store. Let's see if we can't build something together!
I hope I'm on your list of things to pick up today.
Did you know this mall has a movie theater? I just saw a preview of our life together. Looks pretty good!
Girl, you're so expensive, my insurance is requiring prior authorization before our first date.
Are you good at finding things? Because I think you may have found my heart. Also, I don't know which zone I parked my car into so I need help with that too. Thanks!
I don't work at this store, but may I be of assistance to you anyway?
Is it me or is there an interaction between us?
I couldn’t help but notice that you’ve got 3 bags of Cool Ranch Doritos in your basket. Marry me?
Excuse me! Do you know where’s the Victoria's Secret shop in this mall? You look like one of their models!
Are you an Advil? Cause I'd like to take you every 2-4 hours.
Look like we've got a long wait here in the check-out line, so why don't we get acquainted.
I’m a man at a farmers' market. Of course, I’m a catch.
Did you hear that? They're playing our future song on the speakers!
Babe, you are the only brand I desire and I want no substitution.
For that special cashier:
Since you're checking me out why don't we go to the movies?
You must be a sustainably farmed mushroom because you’re really growing on me.
Funny meat-ing you here.
I don't care *how* many items you've got, baby, I could check you out all day long!
A pretty lady wasn't on my shopping list but I can be spontaneous.
You can have that last bag of chips if I can bag your number.
Want to show me how to make steamy greens?
I forgot my reusable bag, can I borrow one of yours?
I always like to keep my place stocked with coffee and breakfast food in case I don't wake up alone.
I'm going to have to get a security guard because you're trying to steal my heart.
You're like an SSRI. It only makes sense when you are with me.
Want to go shopping? Today only there's a special deal: 30% off on my heart!
I need a date; do you know where I could find one?
Is your name Pepsi? Because you sure are sizzling.
Baby, I'm like efavirenz. I can decrease your odds of nightmares, but you still may have strong vivid dreams about me — a very common side effect.
Can I help you carry your groceries to the car?
Do you have a Band-Aid? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you.
The expiration date says "best if used by tonight." Can I make you dinner?
Roses are red, bananas are yellow, wanna go out with a nice little fellow?
I think you are suffering from a lack of Vitamin Me.
Can I wear your plaid flannel when I make you breakfast tomorrow morning?
Do you prefer organic or local? Because I’m both.
Excuse me, I think you dropped something: My jaw.
Are you a box of BD pen needles? Because you are ultra-fine.
Baby, you better get out of that express lane, 'cause you're all that *and* a bag of chips.
Are you a pharmacist? Because I am a patient and I heard you are patient lovers.
I just tossed a penny into the fountain, want to make my wish come true?
Do you breathe oxygen? We have so much in common.
I really can't finish a box of strawberries all by myself, Would you like to share with me over some wine?
I hate oranges. Will you be my main squeeze?