Phone Jokes

My wife and I got married under a cell phone tower.
The ceremony wasn't great, but the reception was perfect.
Apple is announcing a new cell phone for children.
iKid you not.
Why did the hobbit set his cell phone to vibrate?
He was afraid the ring would give him away.
While I was driving, I saw another person driving while talking on his cell phone.
I got so mad, I threw my beer at him.
Did you hear about the cell phone that got arrested?
It was charged with battery.
The umpire kept answering his phone during the softball game.
He said he didn't want to miss any calls.
I like to write jokes down and store them on my phone, so that I can tell them to him later.
I call it my Dad-abase.
How did the mobile phone propose to his girlfriend?
He gave her a ring
I was testing the speaker phone on the intercom on our landline with my father yesterday.
It started to make that annoying noise. My old man said it was too close to call.
I was on the phone with my wife and said, "I'm almost home, honey, please put the coffee maker on." After a twenty-second pause, I asked, "You still there, sweetheart?"
"Yeah," she replied. "But I don't think the coffee maker wants to talk right now"
I almost got in trouble because I tried to talk to someone in the same room as me over the phone...
...It was a close call.
I did it! Dad said to save my money til my balance looks like a phone number.....
Available balance: $9.11.
What kind of phone does a burglar use?
A no-key-a.
I asked my son to go get me a phone book. He laughed, called me a dinosaur, and handed me his iPhone.
The spider is dead, the iPhone screen is cracked, and my son is furious!
My cell phone got drunk.
It took too many screenshots.