Corona Virus Jokes

The Corona Virus is not really a laughing matter. Nevertheless, sometimes it helps to laugh at something and make it smaller. Here are the best jokes about the Corona Virus.

Corona Virus Jokes

They found a plant that cures COVID-19!
It’s called plant yourself on the couch.
What's the difference between Wuhan and Las Vegas?
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
I’m throwing a COVID-19 party this weekend.
None of you are invited.
Corona Beer sales falter amid Corona virus crisis...
Guess their viral marketing strategy failed.
My teen daughter was sent home from school for covid exposure.....
She’s now my quaranteen.
With Coronavirus and our impending doom, I guess no one really had 2020 vision after all.
As the local drunk, I'm quite worried about the corona virus.
It's got potential tequila lot of people.
I got my COVID-19 vaccine from a "doctor" who approached me in a downtown alley after midnight, offering it for $50 cash.
It was a shot in the dark, but I took it.
Which Pokémon has Covid?
I sneezed in the bank today, it was the most attention I have received in the last 10 years.
I could tell you a COVID joke...
But it would take two weeks for you to get it.
I really hope Santa can figure out how to make all his deliveries this year due to Covid-19......
I hear he just ran out of santa-tizer.
My daughter told me COVID stinks and she misses her teacher...
I told her "I Ms. your teacher too."
I really hope corona virus can't spread through s*x
It would be so lonely being the last man on Earth.
I may be dressed as a vampire tonihgt, but if you play your cards right you might be the one sucking
There’s no trick in these pants.
My mom always told me I wouldn't accomplish anything by lying in bed all day.
But look at me now, I'm saving the world.
Hey, Baby do you want to see what tricks my treat could do?
Please stop with all the corona jokes.
I‘m sick of it.
I know I've never been all that attractive.
But lately every woman I try to approach avoids me like the plague.
Hi, I'm a zombie, can I eat you?
Corona crisis reaches new level:
Iran out of toilet paper.
Turns out my dad who’s a locksmith still has to go to work during lockdown.
He’s a key worker, you see.
Call me a pirate and give me that booty.
Girl, are you the Wuhan Corona Virus?
Because you’re taking my breath away.
Just saw a burglar kicking his own door in.
I asked: “What are you doing?”
“Working from home.”
What did the Indian boy say to his parent before going into self isolation?
I’m no vampire but I’m fine with getting no sleep and biting your neck all night.
Me: I'll have a Corona please.

Waiter: *Cough*

Me: Thank you.
People with a cold - "I just want to stay in bed and do nothing, I feel terrible."

People with Corona Virus - "I feel terrible, I think I will go skiing in Austria, visit the Eiffel Tower and maybe do some white water rafting in Camino de Santiago."
With Corona Virus spreading, I never thought our deaths will also be..
“Made in China”
Why did the vampire get a COVID test?
Because he was COFFIN.
I went to the chemist today and asked the assistant "what kills the Corona Virus?"

She replied to me "Ammonia Cleaner"

I said "Oh, I am sorry, I thought you worked here."
I want a taste of your Milky Way.
With all this talk of Corona Virus, the people who make sanitising gel are rubbing their hands together.
The amount of bad Covid-19 jokes being circulated is starting to reach alarming figures
Some scientists suspect that it might be a pundemic.
Is it true what they say about the size of a man’s canine teeth?
Definition of Irony - When the Year Of The Rat starts with a plague.
Nice pumpkins!
Why is there no COVID cases in Antarctica
Because it’s so ice-o-lated
What do you get when a raven flies into a group of 18 crows?
What does a person with Covid like to drink?
My real costume is at home in a box under my bed.
What movie perfectly describes the corona virus?
No country for old men.
I would totally carve your pumpkin.
I got really good at telling them, so I’m being crowned the king of corona virus puns.
You’re all formally invited to attend my coronation.
With all this spare time on their hands people are going to start pursuing their passions. I wouldn't be surprised to sudden explosion in the arts, a renewal in scientific interest, and a mass proliferation of original content.
A coronaissance, if you will.
Why did Princess Leia contract coronavirus?
Because she went to woo Han.
I'm using a bra for a face mask.
I like to keep abreast of corona security measures.
If Corona virus is just a beer virus..
Then it’s just a yeast infection!