Animal riddles

Why is it so difficult for the leopard to hide?
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I have no arms and legs. I crawl on my belly, and I have a lethal sting. When I go to sleep, I curl into a ring but I leave my eyes open wide. What am I?
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I live on a farm and I’m pink. I'm famous for saying “oink...oink.” Come near me, and you’ll realize I stink. What am I?
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My arms are longer than my legs, and I can be taught sign language to communicate with humans. What am I?
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I grow down as I grow up. What am I?
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I am always black and white But I'm not an old TV I'm a kind of animal That begins with the letter Z Who am I?
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A boy stood on one side of a river, and his cat was on the other side. When the boy called his cat, it crosses the river right away. Moreover, the cat's fur remained completely dry, and it didn't use a boat, bridge, or any other manmade vessel or structure to cross the bridge. How did the cat do it?
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A young man entered a pet shop in search of a talking parrot. On one of the cages, he saw a sign saying, "This parrot repeats everything it hears." The man bought the parrot and tried to teach it to speak. Yet, he was unsuccessful. The bird didn't say one word in over 2 weeks. So the man decided to return the parrot and accused the shopkeeper of lying. However, the shopkeeper insisted that he was saying the truth... How is this possible?
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What king do you make if you take the head of a llama, the middle of a pig, the back of a buffalo, and the tail of a stallion?
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Sneaky as a shadow in the dead of night, Cunning but affectionate if given a bite. Never owned but often loved. What am I?
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What kind of can doesn't need a can-opener?
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I'm grey, but I'm no wolf, I have long ears, but I'm not a rabbit, I have hooves, but I'm not a cow. What am I?
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I'm a pet with cute ears, four legs, and a tail at the end. You surely heard me barking. I'm known as man's best friend. What am I?
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Some are afraid of this creature, Because it has a large bite. So be careful out in the ocean, One of its kin is a Great White. What is it?
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Throughout the day I rest and sleep. At night, I fly and hunt. I have no feathers on my wings, Nor do I chirp or grunt. What am I?
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I am named after the animal I eat. What am I?
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I may be small, but I can climb a tower. What am I?
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I’m not a superhero, but I have a cape. I have a comb, but I don't use it on my hair, and I am famously territorial. What am I?
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Imagine the following: you are walking through the woods and a huge bear is going to attack you. You are running for your dear life, but he is getting closer and closer... How can you escape from the bear?
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What did the duck say to the rooster as he dared him to a fight?
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The dog was wearing a 2-foot leash. When he saw a squirrel, he immediately started chasing it, and he was really able to catch the squirrel. How did the dog succeed?
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This is a type of animal Known for its long face. It's very good at running So people ride it in a race.
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What do you call several identical parakeets sitting at the edge of a roof?
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What did the aardvark ask the taxi driver?
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Why did the silly dog swim down the rapids?
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1 duck saw 4 elephants as it was going toward the river. Every elephant noticed 2 monkeys going to the river. Every monkey was carrying 1 dove in its paws. How many animals are going to the river?
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You've got a sack of corn, a chicken, and a fox. You have to cross a river, but you can only carry them one at a time. If you leave the chicken with the sack of corn, the chicken will eat the corn. If you leave the fox alone with the chicken, the fox will eat the bird. How can you get all three things across the river safely?
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What do you call a three-humped camel?
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You enter a room and notice a bed. There are 3 dogs, 2 cats, 1 goat, 4 crows, and a goose on the bed. In addition, 3 sparrows are flying around the bed. How many LEGS are there on the floor?
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What lives in a tiny house all alone?
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