Family Riddles

Two silkworms started a fight. How did it end?
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What goes tick-tock, bow-wow, tick-tock, bow-wow?
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I have a duck's bill, a beaver's tail, webbed feet, and I lay eggs. What am I?
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I have no arms and legs. I crawl on my belly, and I have a lethal sting. When I go to sleep, I curl into a ring but I leave my eyes open wide. What am I?
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I live on a farm and I’m pink. I'm famous for saying “oink...oink.” Come near me, and you’ll realize I stink. What am I?
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My arms are longer than my legs, and I can be taught sign language to communicate with humans. What am I?
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A boy stood on one side of a river, and his cat was on the other side. When the boy called his cat, it crosses the river right away. Moreover, the cat's fur remained completely dry, and it didn't use a boat, bridge, or any other manmade vessel or structure to cross the bridge. How did the cat do it?
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What king do you make if you take the head of a llama, the middle of a pig, the back of a buffalo, and the tail of a stallion?
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I feed on leaves from treetops but my feet never leave the earth. What am I?
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I go to school all my life, and I never leave the water, even though I breathe air. What am I?
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My first letter is in window but not in pane. My second's in road but not in lane. My third is in oval but not in round. My fourth is in hearing but not in sound. My whole is known as a sign of peace. And from Noah's Ark, I won quick release. What am I?
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A prickly house a little host contains. The pointed weapons keep back from pains, So he, unarmed, safe in his fort remains. Who is he?
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What can honk without a horn?
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I am an insect, and the first part of my name is another insect. What insect am I?
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Oh, how I love my dancing feet! They stay together - oh so neat. And when I want to walk a line, They all stay together and do double time. I count them up, ten times or more, And race on-off, across the floor.
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I've got horns, but I can’t honk. Instead, I bleat, but I’m no sheep. What am I?
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The alphabet starts with A and ends in Z. I go the other way around. What am I?
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Two mothers and two daughters went out to eat. Each one of them had one burger, yet only three burgers were eaten. How is this possible?
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A girl has as many brothers as sisters, but each brother has only half as many brothers as sisters. How many brothers and sisters are there in the family?
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