Sports Pick Up Lines

Flirting at the gym? Guilty as charged!

Sports Pick Up Lines

I want to stretch with you.
When I log my run in my journal today, it will say I ran with my future wife today.
Girl, let me take you home and show you my advanced statistic.
Angel, I want to run all the way with you.
I don’t play soccer but you’re my goal.
Would you sit on my feet while I do push ups?
Is this a catch and release fishing session? Because I don't want to let you go.
Was that an earthquake or are you rocking this run?
Permission to board?
My love for you is like this hike. It goes on and on.
The ref better give me 2 for hooking, 'cause baby I'm hooked on you.
Good game--you certainly scored all your extra points with me.
Are you a banana? Because you're great at the splits.
You have been running through my mind all day.
Are you the splash-and-dash? Because you've got my heart beating.
Be a winner, date a swimmer!
The only thing brighter than the sun on this track is your smile.
Can you run with me so I can tell my friends I've ran with an angel?
You should see what I can do with ice.
Unicycle? Girl! How about U-‘n’-I cycle?
Nice beach balls, can I play?
I think you just tripped me, 'cause I just fell for you.
Are you like this mountain? Because I can’t seem to get over you.
Me without you is like a sneaker without laces.
If I am a GPS, will you take me running every day?
Is that an energy bar in your pocket, or are you just happpy to see me?
You’re such an adventure, let me explore you.
Girl is your name baseball? Cause I just want to hit it with you.
You're not allowed to use your hands in this game.
Girl, do you need to get your protein macros up? Because I'd gladly make you a drink
What do you say you poke-check me real quick?
Once you finish deep breathing, do you want to start panting?
Hold up, I don't want to fall for anyone else but you, so let me tie my shoes now.
You brighten up my day just like the anti-fog spray for my goggles.
Are you a rusty bike? Because you gonna squeak and scream when I ride you tonight.
You’re just like the black line at the bottom of the pool– I’d be lost without you.
Is your tent erect yet or do you need help with that?
Are you accepting applications for your fan club? I'd love to join.
Call me miles because I want you to complete me every round.
You are the best compression gear because you made my blood flow.
Hey I love your shoes, they would look even better if they were running alongside me.
You’re like a pair of goggles; without you, everything’s a blur.
You sweep me off my feet!
Your presence gives meaning to my yoga practice and enlightenment.
You make my heart slip 'n slide.
Are you the flags in a 200 back swim? Because I’ve been looking for you forever.
Hey sugar-buns, do you play Center? Wanna be the center of my attention?
I'd like to practice some of my penalty kicks with you.
Are you a can of bear spray? ‘Cause you really spice things up around here.
You run like light. How can I get high-speed access?