Flower Puns

Welcome to the best bloomin' Flower Puns online!

Flower Puns

What’s a flower’s favorite band?
Guns n’ Roses.
Did you hear about the flower who joined Tinder?
He just wants somebudy to love.
What was the conversation like at the dinner party with all the boring flowers?
Like pollen teeth.
What did the flower say to his wife when he brought her home a present?
I hope thistle cheer you up.
What do you say to a pensive flower?
A peony for your thoughts?
Did you hear about the flower who gave an ultimatum to her husband?
She told him once and floral.
Why do flowers always drive so fast?
They put the petal to the metal.
What does a flower do when they get caught in a lie?
What kind of alcohol do flowers drink?
What is a flower’s favorite vegetable?
What did the flower say when her son went off to college?
I be-leaf in you.
What do you say when you want a flower to drive faster?
Did you hear about one flower who went on a date with another flower?
It’s a budding romance.

What does a flower say when they’re offering you a job?
Take it or leaf it.

Did you hear about the flower who was struck in a hit and run?
She was leafed for dead.
Why are plants the best chefs?
They’re succulent.
What would Jerry McGuire have said if he was a flower?
You had me at hydrangea.