
Relieve Cough and Congestion With These Home Remedies

Acute bronchitis is an inflammation of the lining of the lungs' major airways. It's usually caused by a viral infection, and symptoms include coughing, congestion, and sputum, as well as headaches, a painful or itchy throat, exhaustion, and muscular aches. 


Self-treatment of acute bronchitis is a feasible alternative, with most cases improving within 10–20 days. While a persistent cough might last for up to four weeks, medical attention is not always required. Chronic bronchitis, on the other hand, requires medical attention if it lasts three months or more. However, symptoms might be reduced using home remedies.

Here are 10 home remedies for bronchitis that will have you feeling better in no time.

1. Turmeric


In a 2018 study, researchers found that turmeric has several properties that may be beneficial in the treatment of bronchitis. These include its antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effects. Turmeric also boosts antioxidant activity, potentially decreasing discomfort and boosting immunity.

Here are some easy ways you can take turmeric:

* Add fresh turmeric to salads or used to make pickles.

To make a paste, combine 1/2 teaspoon powdered turmeric and 1 teaspoon honey. While the symptoms remain, consume the paste 1 to 3 times each day.

* Take the turmeric capsules as prescribed.

* To make tea, use either powdered or fresh turmeric.

2. Sip hot tea with honey

tea with honey

Tea, according to medical professionals, helps with hydration, and there is enough research confirming the beneficial effects of honey on coughs. As per one study, children with respiratory illnesses who consumed honey before bedtime had significantly improved sleep quality despite having a cough. Honey also lends a wonderful sweetness to your tea.

3. Pineapple


Pineapple juice contains bromelain, which has anti-inflammatory properties. This natural chemical may help to relieve bronchitis and other respiratory infections by aiding mucus breakdown and ejection.

4. Drink lots of fluids

drinking water

Drinking eight glasses of water per day is one of the most important steps for treating bronchitis, medical professionals say. The rationale behind this recommendation is that adequate water intake helps replenish fluids lost due to accelerated breathing, potentially addressing dehydration and diminishing mucus thickness, as indicated in a Cochrane review. However, randomized, controlled studies are necessary to conclusively establish the benefits of increased fluid consumption. Before significantly increasing your fluid intake, consult your doctor for personalized guidance.

5. Add garlic to your diet


Garlic is well-known for its therapeutic benefits. A 2016 study revealed that garlic may prevent the formation of the infectious bronchitis virus. This finding suggests that garlic could be used as a natural treatment for bronchitis. 
Fresh garlic provides the most benefits; however, pills are an option for those who dislike the taste. If you have a bleeding issue, use garlic with caution and consume it in moderation to avoid stomach irritation.

6. Gargle with salt water


Gargle with salt water to ease throat discomfort and loosen mucus. Mix 1 teaspoon of salt in a warm glass of water, sip the solution, and gargle at the back of your throat. Make sure you spit it out in the sink without swallowing it. Feel free to repeat this process as needed, and consider rinsing your mouth with plain water afterwards.

7. Have some hot chicken soup

hot chicken soup

Several studies have demonstrated that chicken soup may be beneficial for treating bronchitis symptoms. In fact, one study showed that certain components of chicken soup are anti-inflammatory and may help treat upper respiratory tract infections. Health professionals commonly recommend eating free-range, organically-fed poultry.

8. Steam inhalation


Steam is an effective way to break up mucus, making it easier to breathe. Take a hot shower or bath, or create a steam room by running hot water in a closed bathtub. 

Another option is to pour hot water into a bowl, lean over it, and cover your head and the bowl with a towel. However, be cautious since the steam can be hotter than expected. Use this method for only 1-2 minutes at a time to avoid burning your face or your airways. If the steam feels too hot to breathe comfortably, let the water cool for a few minutes before trying again.

9. Increase your vitamin C intake

vitamin C

The antioxidant properties of vitamin C boost the immune system and prevent cell damage caused by excessive inflammation. While most adults can tolerate up to 2,000 milligrams (mg) daily, surpassing this limit may lead to digestive issues such as diarrhea or an upset stomach. Consider spreading your vitamin C intake throughout the day and including rich sources like bell peppers, citrus fruits, and berries into your diet to maximize absorption.

10. Consider a humidifier in your bedroom


The absence of moisture in the air can worsen bronchitis symptoms by irritating the bronchial tubes. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute recommends using a humidifier to make breathing easier and relieve airway congestion. You must strictly follow the instructions for using and cleaning your humidifier to prevent the growth of mold and bacteria, both of which have been linked to symptoms of bronchitis. Maintain daily water changes and clean the humidifier every three days. A steamy shower might also bring immediate comfort.

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