Greeting: Share These Gorgeous Christmas Trees!
Christmas just wouldn't be the same without Christmas trees, and that's why some countries around the world tend to have no trouble exaggerating when it comes to planting them around large cities and squares. Below, you'll find 21 absolutely outstanding Christmas trees that'll put most others to shame!
1. Vilna, Lithuania

2. A Floating Tree in Mexico

3. New York, United States

4. Rockefeller Center, New York, United States

5. Branson, Missouri, United States

6. Floating Tree, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

7. A Tree on a Hillside in Gubbio, Italy

8. Floating Trees in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

9. Rockefeller Center New York, United States

10. Kaunas, Lithuania

11. Caldes de Reina, Portugal

12. Dortmund, Germany

13. Recife, Estonia

14. Vilna, Lithuania

15. Tbilisi, Georgia

16. Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

17. Bogota, Colombia

18. Turin, Italy

19. Tokyo, Japan

20. Paris, France

21. Camden, London, UK