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When Will Men Ever Learn They Aren't Immortal???

For some men, DIY is a high-octane testosterone-fuelled adventure. Just try and tell them to stick to the health and safety rules - or common sense as we used to call it - and you'll see them instantly glaze over. The truth is that they absolutely cannot resist pushing themselves to the limit and staring death or disaster in the face. Why do they do this? It's anyone's guess, but it certainly explains their poor life expectancy.
Have a gawp at these 17 hilarious photos of health and safety fails and show them to a man you know who needs a sharp lesson in common sense.
Son, next time I'll be William Tell
DIY fails, men, funny, photos
This South African cop probably missed a few training days
When Healthy and Safety Standards Slip - Big Time!
Irony overload
DIY fails, men, funny, photos
DIY fails, men, funny, photos
Garden or no garden, we must have a trampoline
DIY fails, men, funny, photos
I'll wear it, but only because I have to!
When Healthy and Safety Standards Slip - Big Time!
Easy to walk forwards, not so easy to get back...
DIY fails, men, funny, photos
An opened window does not a balcony make
DIY fails, men, funny, photos
Do you think he's a professional window cleaner?
DIY fails, men, funny, photos
This guy likes his odds
DIY fails, men, funny, photos
This man's got his priorities straight
DIY fails, men, funny, photos
If they pull this off they're engineering geniuses
DIY fails, men, funny, photos
I like teamwork, but this...?
DIY fails, men, funny, photos
Keep on believing! Nothing can go wrong
DIY fails, men, funny, photos
What's the one part of your body you'd trust to a galloping giant?
DIY fails, men, funny, photos
Who approved this mask?
DIY fails, men, funny, photos
Can't find your helmet? No problem - use a bucket
DIY fails, men, funny, photos
Ok, friend, I've got a job for you. It's a tough one...
DIY fails, men, funny, photos
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