World Riddles

I Have Lakes But No Water
I have lakes but no water. I have streets no cars. I have many places and borders, but I'm in one piece. What am I?
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Cow Vacations
Where do fat cows go on vacation?
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A Pianist's Vacation
Where do pianists go on vacation?
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The Cheapest Way to Travel...
What's the cheapest way to travel the world?
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Drifting Down the Long Canals
I drift forever with the current down these long canals they've made. Tame, yet wild, I run elusive, multitasking to your aid. Before I came the world was a darker place. Colder, sometimes, rougher true. But though I might make living easy, I'm good at killing too. What am I?
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The Popular Sport
What sport starts with a T, has four letters, and is played around the world?
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