Word riddle

In a Stable
In a stable there are men and horses. In all, there are 22 heads and 72 feet. How many men and how many horses are in the stable?
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Yellow House
If there is a Yellow house on Bluebird Lane, a Green house on Orange Street, a Pink house on Kitten Road, a Black house on Whitehorse Pike and a Purple house on Firebird hill, where is the White house?
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Big on Saturday
I am big on Saturday and Sunday. Small on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I'm not on Monday or Friday. What am I?
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Marble Walls
Marble walls as white as milk, lined with skin as soft as silk, in a fountain crystal clear, a golden apple will appear, there is no key to this stronghold, yet theives break in and steal the gold. What is it?
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Squeeze me and I Cry
Squeeze me and I cry tears as red as flesh, but my heart is made of stone. What am I?
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I'm in the Book
I'm in the book, but not on any leaf; I'm in the mouth, but not in lip or teeth; I'm in the atmosphere, but never in the air; I wait on every one, but never on a pair; I am with you wherever you may go; And every thing you do I'm sure to know; Though when you did it I should not be there, Yet when 'twas done, you'd find me in the chair.What am I?
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What Building
What building has the most stories?
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No Legs Have I
No legs have I to dance, No lungs have I to breathe, No life have I to live or die And yet I do all three. What am I?
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You're in a Magical Bathroom
You're in a magical bathroom with no windows and the only way things can get in and out is by an open door. You decide to have a bath so you turn on the tap, you shut the door and the handle breaks so you can't open it, you then turn off the tap and the knob breaks so water keeps coming. How do you save yourself from drowning?
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A Hole Leading in
A hole leading in, a hole leading out, we connect to a cavern that is slimy all throughout. What are we?
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I Look Flat
I look flat, but I am deep, Hidden realms I shelter. Lives I take, but food I offer. At times I am beautiful. I can be calm, angry and turbulent. I have no heart, but offer pleasure as well as death. No man can own me, yet I encompass what all men must have. What am I?
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Leaves are on the Fruit
The leaves are on the fruit, The fruits is on the leaves. What is it?
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I Have Four Wings
I have four wings, but cannot fly, I never laugh and never cry; On the same spot I'm always found, toiling away with little sound. What am I?
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Pronounced as One Letter
Pronounced as one letter, And written with three, Two letters there are, And two only in me. I'm double, I'm single, I'm black, blue, and gray, I'm read from both ends, And the same either way. What am I?
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8 Feet Away
If you're 8 feet away from a door and with each move you advance half the distance to the door. How many moves will it take to reach the door?
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I Have no Voice
I have no voice and yet I speak to you, I tell of all things in the world that people do. I have leaves, but I am not a tree, I have pages, but I am not a bride or royalty. I have a spine and hinges, but I am not a man or a door, I have told you all, I cannot tell you more. What am I?
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I'm Like a Doll
I'm like a doll, But I'm not for playing; I stand up straight, but if windy I may be laying; I'm well-known and famous for having no brain; I work outside both day and night in sunshine or in rain. What am I?
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They Fill me Up
They fill me up and you empty me, almost everyday; if you raise my arm, I work the opposite way. What am I?
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The Best Key
What is the best key to a good dinner?
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Run Through Hills
I run through hills; I veer around mountains. I leap over rivers and crawl through the forests. Step out your door to find me. What am I?
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Trip With a Fox
A man went on a trip with a fox, a goose and a sack of corn. He came upon a stream which he had to cross and found a tiny boat to use to cross the stream. He could only take himself and one other - the fox, the goose, or the corn - one at a time. He could not leave the fox alone with the goose or the goose alone with the corn. How does he get all safely over the stream?
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Some Will Use Me
Some will use me, while others will not, some have remembered, while others have forgotten. For-profit or gain, I'm used expertly, I can't be picked off the ground or tossed into the sea. Only gained from patience and time, can you unravel my rhyme? What am I?
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So Fast You Can't See
I'm so fast you can't see me, though everyone else can see straight through me. I don't stop until the day you die. What am I?
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What Day Is It?
A group of campers have been on vacation so long, that they've forgotten the day of the week. The following conversation takes place. Darryl: What's the day? I don't think it is Thursday, Friday or Saturday. Tracy: Well that doesn't narrow it down much. Yesterday was Sunday. Melissa: Yesterday wasn't Sunday, tomorrow is Sunday. Ben: The day after tomorrow is Saturday. Adrienne: The day before yesterday was Thursday. Susie: Tomorrow is Saturday. David: I know that the day after tomorrow is not Friday. If only one person's statement is true, what day of the week is it?
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If a Chicken
If a chicken says, "All chickens are liars". Is the chicken telling the truth?
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Empty, and Yet...
When may a man's coat pocket be empty, and yet have something in it?
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A Plane Crashed
A plane crashed between the border of Canada and America. Where do you bury the survivors?
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Life Suit
A man was just doing his job when his suit was torn. Why did he die three minutes later?
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The End
What is the end of everything?
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Never resting, Never Still
Never resting, never still. Moving silently from hill to hill. It does not walk, run or trot, All is cool where it is not. What is it?
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