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Have You ever Seen Flowers as Beautiful as These?

We all love flowers and appreciate their incredible beauty, but if we take a few moments to stop and truly examine them, we will realize how powerful the effect of fragrances and textures are on our lives. This is a great opportunity to sit back, turn up the volume and enjoy the way these wonderfully colorful and magnificent flowers instill a sense of peace and serenity, bringing a sweet smile to your face. Discover the unique influences these rare flowers have on your mind and body, while learning about some of nature's most beautiful pieces of art.

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Oriental Poppy
Flowers - Nature - Beauty

Flowers cure physical pain

Bringing flowers to a sick or injured person is an ancient tradition, and now, research has shown that the flowers’ bright colors and wonderful aromas have a noticeable effect on healing and recovery. Scientists have discovered that flowers sent to patients in hospitals reduce the need for painkillers and even shorten recovery time. Some flowers also contribute to lowering blood pressure and heart rate. 

Flowers - Nature - Beauty
Black Bat Flower
Flowers - Nature - Beauty
Blue Lotus
Flowers - Nature - Beauty

Flowers enhance your enthusiasm and vitality

Having fresh and colorful plants around the house will empower you, giving you more energy and increase your enthusiasm for life. Studies have shown that flowers also affect the motivation to invest yourself in whatever task you set to complete. Flowers intensify your vitality, boosting the energy levels you need for the day. 

Parrot Tulip
Flowers - Nature - Beauty
Flowers - Nature - Beauty
Flowers - Nature - Beauty

Floral aromas have a stronger influence than previously thought

An experiment designed to test the effect of the smell of flowers on humans led researchers to find that even a faint whiff of flowers has the ability to strengthen positive emotions and affect our subconscious considerably. People who stay in a room with a sweet floral scent will think more positively - even when they are not aware of it. 

Pinwheel Rainbow Plumeria 
Flowers - Nature - Beauty
Flowers - Nature - Beauty
Geissorhiza Radians 
Flowers - Nature - Beauty

Flowers encourage closeness and intimacy

Since the dawn of time, flowers have served as our strongest symbol of love and romance - the best psychologists know that the presence of colorful flowers enhances our desire for closeness, contributes to a better connection between family members and spouses,  and induces a general feeling of warmth, intimacy, and family. 

Flowers - Nature - Beauty
Flowers - Nature - Beauty
Lobster Claw Ginger
Flowers - Nature - Beauty

Flowers make you a more compassionate person

People that are surrounded by flowers for a prolonged period tend to develop strong feelings of compassion for those around them. If you have flowers around you, you are more likely to help a person in need, as well as be more positive and altruistic. Perhaps the beauty of flowers and their representation of fragile life increase our sympathy towards each other. 

Blue Poppy
Flowers - Nature - Beauty
Papaver Somniferum
Flowers - Nature - Beauty
Flowers - Nature - Beauty

Flowers convey openness and acceptance

When you enter a home full of colorful flowers, you will immediately feel the household conveys openness, understanding, and acceptance of others. People who love flowers and enjoy cultivating them are perceived as more empathetic, and as such can be trusted with our innermost thoughts. When you're in an environment full of flowers, you'll feel less stressed when meeting a new person, and you’ll connect with them more quickly. 

Ice Cream Tulips
Flowers - Nature - Beauty
Chinese Lantern
Flowers - Nature - Beauty
Nepenthes Hybrid
Flowers - Nature - Beauty

Different colors have different effects

Our brain analyzes each color differently and therefore each one has a unique effect on our mood, feelings, and thoughts. You can match the flower arrangement to the atmosphere you want to create - yellow tones contribute to a nurturing environment and enhance other colors. Pink and purple will provide a romantic atmosphere and red hues enhance sensual experiences. For a calm environment, use blues, while the combination of several bright colors will create a fun atmosphere. 

The Flying Duck Orchid 
Flowers - Nature - Beauty
Peacock Flower
Flowers - Nature - Beauty
Grevillea "Spider Flower"
Flowers - Nature - Beauty

Flowers banish negative feelings

Anxiety, stress, worry and even primary symptoms of depression - can all be treated with flowers. Flowers will highlight the best in your life and push away negative thoughts. Flower cultivation will give you a sense of self-satisfaction and when they bloom, they will provide you with feelings of joy and fulfillment.

Fill your home with beautiful, colorful flowers and send this presentation to others so that they too will be able to enjoy these beautiful flowers. 



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