What Kind of Day Do You Need?

Sometimes, life gets away from us, and we find ourselves in sore need of... something. Sometimes, it can just be one day when we get to do what we truly need right now. What kind of day do YOU need right now? Take our test, answer honestly, and we promise to tell!
Who sends you the most text messages?
People from work
My partner
Would people who know you describe you as 'spontaneous'?
Not really
Most would, yes
What is your favorite part of the day?
Morning and noon
Evening and night
You have an evening off, what kind of movie would you prefer watching?
Pick your favorite drink among these
Beer or wine
Fruit shake
Despite good conditions and a high pay, what would make you quit your job?
Bad relationships with colleagues
Long hours in traffic
Boring routine
Disagreeable manager/boss
Which color matches your mood at the end of an average day?
Which of these sayings do you agree with the most?
Show me your friends and I'll tell you who you are
More money more problems
Eat and drink for tomorrow we may die
Be careful with your words. Once they are said, they can be only forgiven, not forgotten.
If there was no Covid right now, where would you fly to?
Thailand's Islands
The beaches of Australia
What are we most likely to find you doing before bed?
Looking at social media
Nothing, I go straight to sleep
Reading a book
Chatting with my partner
How much time do you spend on your looks and clothes each day?
Just average, I think
Very little
A considerable time
Which of these vehicles most attracts you?
Meet Up With Friends
At the cinema, having coffee or just having a meal together - you REALLY need some good friend time, to go out and have some good social fun! When you don't get to go out with friends every once in a while, you miss it so. So a perfect day right now will be spent having fun with your favorite friends.
A Day of Solving Problems
What you need right now is MENTAL ease. You have so much to do and get done and you are often burdened with all the things you need to get done. A day where you solve most of your pending issues and get them off your mind is just what you need. A day with no one else needing anything from you, a day that relieves the pressure on you instead of piling it on. It may not be the most fun day, but it's the day that will make you more relaxed right now.
A Day of Adventure
Ever have those days when you feel like you haven't used your time properly and you fall asleep with a certain feeling of emptiness? Even if that's a rare occasion for you, we are still confident that you could really use a day of adventure. This is a day where something unexpected and exciting happens, which leads to a chain of events you would never have seen coming in a million years. One of those days that ended so differently from how they started... in a good way!
A Romantic Getaway
Based on your answers on this test, you are passed due for a day of romance! You need a day of intimacy with someone you really care for. This day need not happen in some gorgeous island or at an evening picnic on a mountain top. No, what you need is the feeling of spending quality time accepting and giving true intimacy, love and warmth. A day perhaps to be touched, both physically and emotionally, and feel the simple joy of being in a private circle of two.
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