Can You Find the Odd Picture Out?

If you wear glasses, make sure to grab them before taking the quiz below! What you have to do is find the picture that stands out of the four we’ll provide and then we’ll know how sharp your eye is in noticing small details that others might miss...
Find the odd one out:
Find the odd one out:
A CD with drawings on it
A CD with drawings on it
A CD with drawings on it
A CD with drawings on it
Find the odd one out:
A desk with objects on it
A desk with objects on it
A desk with objects on it
A desk with objects on it
Find the odd one out:
A table with tools on it
A table with tools on it
A table with tools on it
A table with tools on it
Find the odd one out:
A store entrance
A store entrance
A store entrance
A store entrance
Find the odd one out:
A table with food on it
A table with food on it
A table with food on it
A table with food on it
Find the odd one out:
A table with different things on it
A table with different things on it
A table with different things on it
A table with different things on it
Find the odd one out:
A wall with lights and pictures hung on it
A wall with lights and pictures hung on it
A wall with lights and pictures hung on it
A wall with lights and pictures hung on it
Find the odd one out:
A table with different doctors’ tools on it
A table with different doctors’ tools on it
A table with different doctors’ tools on it
A table with different doctors’ tools on it
Find the odd one out:
A wall with a bunch of different things hung on it
A wall with a bunch of different things hung on it
A wall with a bunch of different things hung on it
A wall with a bunch of different things hung on it
A man holding a drawing of a sad face
Try again
You couldn’t find differences... Could it be that you rushed and didn’t have enough patience? If you try again, we’re sure you’ll be able to find all the differences, just take the time and pay attention to each picture. In the end, you may even surprise yourself.
A woman holding up peace signs by her eyes
Well done!
You were able to find most of the differences, but you did get a few wrong. It may have been the harder pictures that required just a little more focus. If you wish you can look at your answers to find out where you went wrong...
A man holding his thumb up to the camera
Amazing Job!
We can tell that you not only have a great deal of patience, but you also have particularly sharp vision, because you were able to find most if not all of the differences. These abilities seem to help you a lot in many areas of life and not only in these "spot the difference" tests, and now you can share your results with your friends and challenge them to try and find all the differences themselves.
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