This Tricky Logic Quiz Will Really Baffle Your Brain!

Do you think your brain is wired in a way that makes you a perceptive pundit or are you more of a creative genius? This quiz will help you find out exactly how your brain works. While answering, try not to take too long on each question. Ten seconds on each one should be long enough to accurately assess your brain functioning.
animal riddle
number 5
number 6
number 7
number 8
riddle question
bauble sketch
bauble sketch
bauble sketch
bauble sketch
optical illusion
I'm Not Sure...
shapes puzzle
brown hexagon
purple star
red triangle
black circle
cubes puzzle
number 6
number 9
number 10
number 12
puzzle game
strange symbol
strange symbol
strange symbol
strange symbol
puzzle game
Between 12 & 15
Between 16 & 21
Between 22 & 30
Between 30 & 35
riddle question
strange symbol
strange symbol
strange symbol
strange symbol
puzzle game
puzzle cube
puzzle cube
puzzle cube
puzzle cube
puzzle game
number 1
number 12
number 17
number 27
The Analyzer
businesswoman with laptop
Based on your answers, we found that you are incredibly smart and possess a particularly fast brain. Your memory retention skills are off the charts and your focus is unparalleled! You don't get easily confused and think in a logical, rational and coherent manner, which makes you excellent at recalling the right answer, and when in doubt, provides you with the skills to make reasonable educated guesses.
The Creative Genius
fancy sandcastle
You have an incredibly creative mind, which in turn helps you understand all things spatial and leads you to rely on visual cues to stimulate you. You tend to think best when you are moving or working with your hands. You often provide creative and unique solutions to problems and are excellent at thinking outside of the box.
The Architect
garden planning
You are born to be a creative and intuitive person but are also good at logical thinking. You are excellent at visualizing and possess excellent spatial awareness skills. What's more, you depend more on visual references for understanding and are typically a visual learner. You've got natural talent to be good at music, art, drawing, athletics and coordination.
The Perceptive Pundit
sofa with eyes
You're incredibly perceptive and are often caught up in your immediate pursuits, which you attack vigorously and with determination. When it looks like your intuition might be leading you astray, you don’t have a problem overriding it. You're good at working with numbers and are adept at putting your skills to use while solving problems in all sorts of real world situations. You don’t waste a lot of emotional energy fretting about the future. Instead, you focus on getting the most out of life right now.
The Focused Thinker
focus concept
You have a logical mind and have great attention to detail. You're a good listener and notice patterns quickly. You are stimulated by your curiosity and you like to get to the bottom of things yourself. You try to base your conclusions on solid evidence and are an excellent problem-solver. There's very little that can get by you!
The Theorist
theory concept
You possess excellent reasoning abilities in all respects of life. You dislike jumping to conclusions quickly and are adept at reflecting on your own thoughts. You take the time to re-evaluate the situation and figure out the wisest course of action. You treat new information and ideas with caution and skepticism and spurious arguments rarely fool or confuse you.
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