
Living Happily into Your 90s is Not as Hard as You Thought

There’s something to look forward to about getting old - contentment and satisfaction increases with age. Research has found that people in their nineties are even happier than people in their seventies. But before you start to celebrate, you need to ensure you get there. It’s never too late to make a new start. Even if you've neglected healthy habits earlier in life, there are still benefits to changing your lifestyle now. You can reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and bone fractures by making smart changes with exercise and by eating healthily.
1. Use technology to track your habits
Living Happily into Your 90s is Not as Hard as You Thought
When you start making changes, it’s useful to have a fuller picture of your health, and charting your progress helps give you insight into your progress. You can monitor your exercise with activity monitors and pedometers. You can also log your exercise and food intake with smartphone apps or monitor your blood pressure with a home blood pressure machine.
2. Wear sunscreen and say goodbye to wrinkles 
Using sunscreen each day prevents wrinkles and protects your skin from unnecessary aging. Use a product with at least an SPF of 30.

3. Adopt a pet

Pets can help fill the void that an empty nest often creates for some people. Studies have shown that people with pets have lower cholesterol, heart diseases and overall visits to the doctor. Having a dog also gives you a reason to go for a daily walk, which is an excellent form of exercise.

4. Exercise to decrease your chances of Alzheimer's
Living Happily into Your 90s is Not as Hard as You Thought
Exercise can help boost the blood flow to your brain and facilitate the growth of new brain cells. Studies have shown that regular exercise in middle age can lessen your risk of memory and cognitive degeneration by 39%. You don’t have to enter marathons - 30 minutes of walking, biking or gardening five times a week is more than enough to boost blood flow.

5. Rediscover sex

Just because you’re aging doesn’t mean you have to forgo sex. It’s important as a form of exercise and for your happiness. With age, the experience might be different, and better - you have more time, fewer interruptions, and you know what you like. 

6. Beware of salt

Blood pressure tends to increase as we age, and sodium is often the cause. Salt is often hidden in food such as packaged or canned foods, bread, and rolls. If you want to combat sodium naturally, eat a banana. Their high potassium content keeps your blood pressure low and helps lessen the effect of sodium in your diet.

7. Be more selective with your food choices

Because your metabolism slows down with age, you need fewer calories in your diet. This means you have to be more selective about your food and choose foods packed with nutrients. Good choices are leafy green vegetables, or fruit or foods fortified with vitamins, such as cereal and milk. It’s also advisable to cut down on candy and sugary drinks, as they tend to have lots of calories.

8. Include good fats in your diet
Living Happily into Your 90s is Not as Hard as You Thought
While it's old news that saturated fats wreak havoc on your arteries and heart, it’s not as well known that they can damage your memory and concentration. While it’s a good idea to cut down on foods saturated in fats (e.g. red meat and butter), it’s equally important to add good fats to your diet. Examples are fatty fish, seeds and nuts. These fats have added value for both your heart and brain.

9. Choose strength-building exercises

A recent study found that regular strength training helped reverse the aging process in the muscles of older people. Make sure to include both aerobics and muscle building in your exercise choice.

10. Be a social butterfly and volunteer

Studies show that people, who socialize with family and friends, have lower risks of memory problems and generally have sharper minds. Similarly, volunteering has been linked to longevity and lower rates of heart disease. Studies reveal that the earlier you start, the lower your health risks.

11. Include balance exercise in your life

When choosing a form of exercise consider Tai Chi or other balance-focused movements. This can help you prevent future falls and injuries. A study found that six months of Tai Chi helped reduce the chances of falling in half.

12. Engage in learning

Seeking new experiences keeps the mind young and healthy because they help build new pathways in the brain. Try a new language, musical instrument or new hobbies. This can also help you make new friends and expand your options for excitement and happiness.

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