Hard riddle

A Face Like a Tree
I have a face like a tree and skin like the sea. A great beast I am, yet small vermin frighten me. What am I?
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A Biting Sting
I create my lair with earthen string, And dispatch my prey with a biting sting. What am I?
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I Plow and Plow...
I plow and plow but never sow. What am I?
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I'm Heard Only at Night
I have four legs but no tail. Usually, I am heard only at night. What am I?
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An Ever Changing Creature
What is that which, while it lives, constantly changes its habit, That is buried before it is dead, and whose tomb is valued wherever it is found?
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What Night Creature Am I?
My first letter is in ocean but never in sea. My second's in wasp but never in bee. My third is in glider and also in flight. My whole is a creature that comes out at night. What am I?
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A Superhero Animal
I can jump, I can swim, I swing from tree to tree. And I can also weave a house That's much bigger than me. What am I?
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A Mighty Ruler
I have no sword, I have no spear, Yet rule a horde that many fear, My soldiers fight with a wicked sting, I rule with might, yet I'm no king. What am I?
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Armored But No Knight
What has armor but is not a knight, Snaps but is not a twig, And is always at home Even on the move?
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A Curious Creature
If a man could carry my burden, he would break his back. I am not rich, but leave silver in my track. What am I?
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I Eat Without Teeth
I've got a hole in my back and legs I lack. I live where I can’t breathe and I eat without teeth. What am I?
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An Animal Conundrum
When I walk, I jump, and when I stand, I sit. What animal am I?
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I Can't Jump
I’m the only known mammal incapable of jumping. That's because I'm very large. What animal am I?
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What Strange Creature Am I?
I hover and zip through the air with a dazzling flare. I move from flower to flower, humming a tune, but I'm no insect. What am I?
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What Mystery Animal Am I?
I have a mane, but I’m no lion. I wear shoes, but I'm not a human. What am I?
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What Animal Am I?
I am an animal, but my name makes you think of dessert or something you might put in your hair. What am I?
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Long and Slinky
Long and slinky like a trout, never sings till its guts come out. What is it?
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Son of a Chemist
I am the son of a chemist and a mathematician. People call me iron 59. What is my name?
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Whether old Homer
Whether old Homer tippled wine or beer, Julep or cider, history is not clear; But plain it is-the bard, though want to roam, But for one liquid, never had left home. What is it?
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Four of These
I have four of these, With matching extremities. They can do many things, And hardly ever bring me pain. Unless I stick them with a pin, Or burn them sometimes when... What is it that I can wiggle at will? And use in other means still?
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Canaries into Space
NASA was considering sending canaries into space to study them under zero gravity. The project was scrapped when someone realized that in spite of having sufficient water supplies, they could die of dehydration within a few hours. Why?
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Inside a Burning House
Inside a burning house, this thing is best to make. And best to make it quickly, before the fire's too much to take! What is it?
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I am Not Nound
I am not found on any ground, But always in the air; Though charged each cloud with thunder loud, You can not find me there. Now, if from France you choose to dance Your way just into Spain, I there am seen, and near the queen, In hail, in mist, and rain. What am I?
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Head and Tail
My head and tail both equal are, My middle slender as a bee. Whether I stand on head or heel Is quite the same to you or me. But if my head should be cut off, The matter's true, though passing strange Directly I to nothing change. What Am I?
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A Harvest Sown
A harvest sown and reaped on the same day In an unplowed field, Which increases without growing, Remains whole though it is eaten Within and without, Is useless and yet The staple of nations. What is it?
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Many Leaves
What is that which has many leaves, but no stem?
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Born in Massachusetts
How is it that a person born in Massachusetts, whose parents were both born in Massachusetts, is not born a U.S. Citizen?
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Don't Want to Have it
You do not want to have it, But when you do have it, You do not want to lose it. What is it?
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Group of Three
I give you a group of three. One is sitting down, and will never get up. The second eats as much as is given to him, yet is always hungry. The third goes away and never returns. What are the three things?
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Destructive as Life
As destructive as life, As healing as death; An institutioner of strife, Just as prone to bless. It is all that is good, Yet with an evil trend; As it was the beginning of things, It can also be the end. What is it?
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